Better then expected....
9 May 2012
This czech scifi made in 1963 is surprisingly fresh compared to most films within the scifi genre.

The story of a multinational crew heading to unknown planet and along its path has to deal with many dangerous situations, has to be one of the most used story lines in scifi.

Even though we've seen so many times this film uses a very lowkey, socialrealistic approach. More reminiscent of latter efforts like Alien (1979), Silent Running (1972), Outland (1981).

This film portrays the crew and its members, struggling with everyday problems. Like childbirth, parties, relationships in space etc.

There is also the fact that this film was made during communist rule in Czechoslovakia which might explain the lack of glamorous, action filled scenes. In fact the films hints that decadent, capitalistic society is doomed to fail.

But there is also hints that the communistic state might contain flaws as well.

Todays audience might be disapproving against the sometimes slow, socialrealistic tone/style of the film but I for one found it quite refreshing.

Well-made scifi films without action, ridiculous high tempo, is hard to come by, and I hope more people will see this film.
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