Review of Missing

Missing (2012)
There's much that can be improved
5 May 2012
I like the cast and the idea for this show is OK. It's nothing we haven't already seen before, but has good potential. I love the different locations as well as the lights that doesn't put the show always dark. There are some things though that make me think it won't get renewed. It feels like a low budget TV show as per: 1. very little special effects 2. the plot is predictable, as a matter of fact I knew from the start who suspect 0 was. 3. The writing isn't fully satisfactory not intriguing enough, lacks of details and the dialogs are very elementary. 4. Judd-Giannini's old affair doesn't make me crave for more. 5. the action in general is slow (we are all used to the JJ Abrams ideas on spy shows for example) so this series looks a bit too basic in my opinion. There's so much that can be improved and I hope they will. I hope the team behind this show will turn things around as I'm enjoying seeing Ashley Judd and in particular Italian actor Adriano Giannini perform in this show. Good luck, I will keep watching!!!!
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