Undercover Boss (2010– )
Entertaining, but watch with a grain of salt
4 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched all of the US episodes, all of the Canadian episodes, and several of the UK episodes. And it is enjoyable. I don't know how 'real' it is. But does that matter much? Idk. Perhaps. Perhaps not.

As far as the entertainment value goes=A+. It does convey the message it intends;rich CEO's getting back in touch with the common worker. Often The CEO(or whoever it is:the company) decides to 'give back' to the employees;Bonuses, vehicles, mentorship, monetary compensation, vacations, and so on...it does seem most give something, if not a lot. But, but, but, is this not misleading? As this is a TV show, and this is 'assuming' none of it is 'scripted-why does it take a TV show to do something like this. A)The lucky individual selected to participate, who meets the 'corporate' is in effect like a lottery winner. This could actually be a negative;let's go get a corporate job in the hopes of striking in rich on 'undercover boss', by making friends with the 'rich one at the top'. B)The company chooses to 'give back'/'compensate' the 'good workers'/'inspiring stories/people' BECAUSE they are aware this is a TV show-it will make the company and themselves look good. I am not say all(perhaps not any-it's just an observation) do this. But it does seem plausible. Z)-Z)-Z)---Perhaps it's faked-=it's scripted. There is one episode that one 'employee' says something to the effect of 'you should be proud of your employees'-yet still implying he doesn't know it's undercover boss-but why would you say 'you should be proud'-z=it's possible it's all faked-for the benefit of a)ratings and b)company/corporation...blah=back to the point-it is a good, entertaining show. Watch with a grain of salt. I try to always believe it's real. Sometimes it doesn't seem to be completely. But that doesn't ever make it less enjoyable. I love it! Perhaps in time Corporations and CEO will care enough to give and listen without the cameras rolling. That is the hope. It shouldn't take a TV show to make the desk jockeys to want to go into the field and develop a rapport with employees, to get their hands dirty, to actually give a damn what is happening in their company as far as people and work and what goes on and on and on and to stop putting their bottom line above the value. I should be laughing right now. ha ha ha.


Give me some!

Kay, I'll stop.

Please enjoy the show.
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