Rip on me, but I still love this movie!
28 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The first time I seen this movie I was a kid that snuck out of bed while the parents where sleeping. That's how I was introduced to a lot of horror movies watching Up All Night. I remember it but never the name. It took many years to find out the name of the movie. The ending is what I remember mostly. I found it on Ebay on a 8 horror movie DVD set and bought it. This movie as soon as I started watching it, everything came back.

CHUD 2: Bud the chud is a sequel of CHUD 1, it is a corny, campy, funny, & considered a horror movie. For many who don't know the name Bud Oliver he is the main chud in CHUD 2. I don't know if he was a private that signed up for a army experiment or what. If he was just a dead guy they brought back, or whatever. From what I have read the chud's in the 1st movie they were mutants living in the sewer. In this version the chud's are more zombie like or even ghouls. I mean a lot of people have really hated this movie, & I'm sorry I like it. This movie is not like the first one, and should be seen as not a sequel at all.

The thing that works for this movie is Bud's facial expression's. Bud's facial expressions are what tells you happy, sad, relaxed, confused, and even mad. Bud speaks very little, but has good comic timing. I don't know if it is for every bite Bud gets a little smarter or more talkative. Plus he has these wicked looking teeth. They look like Christopher Walkens teeth in Sleepy Hollow. I still liked the ending of the movie, sort of feel kind of bad for the guy at the end. Plus it's the only movie I have ever seen where the guy offer's up his heart to a girl.

There's a scene in the movie that still cracks me up and it is where Bud is watching a woman doing exercises. Kind of following along with her, then she goes out to feed her cat. He's standing in front of her, as she looks up she goes "What big feet you have, then big thumbs, & starts talking to him". I mean it's funny cause he's standing there listening to her go off asking questions. Gesturing/thinking about it then he smile's, and another chud is made.

This movie lives up to the 80's series of horror comedy's out there. It's well worth a watch, maybe a laugh or 2. It has the same song repeating through out the movie, kind of annoying. The movie has little bits of humor throughout the movie. True, to the 80's is the fashion, now of days we worry about all that hairspray. I think they even make a little reference to Frankenstein w/Bud wearing a black coat with short sleeves. The writing's not the best, then again maybe that is what makes it fun to watch. The poodle is cute even takes out a few people, and drags a post man down the road. There's of course a Halloween Dance that all the chuds decide to crash. Bud does has the final word in the movie with "Good-Bye!"

Anyway still love this movie, laugh at some of the lines, goofs, but that's what makes it one of my favorites to watch.
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