Blackboards (2000)
Amazingly honest and humbling film....
26 April 2012
Firstly, for all those who say that this DVD is expensive, do as I did - rent it from your local lending library. £1.80 for a week, less cos I got it as a 3 for 2 on a Friday. You'd be surprised what World cinema gems (at least mine) they stock, mostly ignored by the rest of the population as they sit there from week to week.

'Blackboards' reminded me SO much of another story of Iranian children being mules for contraband and risking life and limb to sell them in bordering Iraq - the uniquely titled 'A Time for Drunken Horses'. That remains one of the most beguiling and humbling movies ever made and remains a definite favourite of mine.

Some (well, let's be honest, most) scenes portraying the out-of-work schoolteacher, traipsing around the arid mountains looking for pupils to teach and how he gets married with his only tool of the trade being the barter, are eye-opening. Unbelievable, actually but as the amateur cast are obviously not acting this out for fun and the very seriousness of their plight, this is all very far from being a joke.

The honesty of it all makes one humble simply to be alive, let alone being alive in our comparatively comfortable West. Like I said in my 'Drunken Horses...' review, one to show your children when they start moaning that their expensive trainers are the wrong colour.

I don't think that the details of the plot are needed here. It's a short film and a lot happens, but slowly - and naturally. But, I will say that you'll never have seen so many uses for a board that's painted black in your life before.

This is essential, but minor Iranian cinema. If you do come across it, either on TV or whatever source you can, make time for it. It's unforgettable.
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