Showdown (1973)
Amiable western starring 2 over-the-hill stars
21 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It's good to see this western out on DVD, although the transfer is just "okay".

I'll admit to being a huge Dino fan, but I disagree with a few others who have posted here...this is a pretty average western flick of the old style...which isn't saying a lot since by the 1970s most western flicks were pretty average. The story is actually okay -- two friends split up, one becoming a sheriff (Rock Hudson), and the other becoming a train robber (Dean Martin). Some would say the age of the two stars (Dean was 56 at this time and Rock was 48) was a bit illogical. But I don't suppose all sheriffs or robbers were young. So that's fine, but where the age doesn't work is in the flashback scenes as the two friends ambled along in earlier years. This was the last major starring role for both actors. Hudson soon turned to television, and Dean's films weren't making the bucks anymore. Dean does some of his own horse riding here, though not as much as in his younger years. Dean loved making westerns, and in many of his westerns he did most of his own riding. During the making of this film his favorite movie horse died, and apparently he was quite broken up over it.

The scenery is genuine and very nice -- northern New Mexico and probably a bit of southern Colorado (and you can still ride this very train). Kudos for the director in selecting the locales.

The story is this -- Dean teams up with some robbers to rob a train, then has a falling out with them, shoots one of them, and skedaddles with the loot. So the 2 remaining are after him. As is the sheriff -- his old friend, Hudson. Dean eventually gets caught...sort of...or gives himself up...sort of. But the DA breaks a promise while Rock is out of town with his wife (Susan Clark), Dean escapes, and the chase is on again. The end is pretty predictable, but the filming in the forest fire is a different slant on things, and quite effective.

If you like old-style westerns, you'll like this one. The first half could be a little less sentimental, but it builds nicely. It's a GOOD film, but not a great one. Very watchable, however, and the second half is much better than the early portions.
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