Review of Dead Dad

Dead Dad (2012)
Daringly hysterical, an absolute gem
17 April 2012
Saw the World Premier of this movie last night. How you can take a somber event and turn it such a dramatic yet hilarious film is sheer genius on the part of the cast and crew. Made for $25,000, the reason this film works is we learn that like so many married couples, Dad had died years ago when his wife had passed and turned into an angry, depressed pill and alcohol consuming shell of himself. His kids had long since distanced themselves and the death, which always a shock to the system, did not lay them into a deep dark place as he was now just gone physically as well. The interpersonal relationships that are explored between siblings and friends coming together under odd circumstances, especially as the same week as the funeral is the celebration of a baby's first year. The camera-work was intimate when it needed to be, the shot framing was exquisite when it needed to be. Director Ken Adachi was deft at avoiding clichés and keeping the audience involved. The stellar acting from the 3 siblings were nuanced and subtle, powerful and commanding when needed without ever going over the top. I'd be thrilled if I could make a movie this good my first time out.
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