When did affects take over the affect of storytelling?
14 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
George Lucas is full of it. They try to trick you with this game, putting in all kinds of stuff that people will think are cool, distracting you from the massive plot holes and horrible story. Games like this are cool, but not if the story is terrible. It's the exact same thing as God of War, so George Lucas saw God of War and said, "Hey, we need to rip this off and put in some ridiculous story, while leaving in huge embarrassing plot holes." Boba Fett being in this makes absolutely no sense. He's just there because they didn't have anything to show for the game, they were just like, "Hey, let's just toss Fett in there, and we'll figure out the story later." Wow....genius...Continuity obviously is wasted on the people at Lucas Arts. This is supposed to take place between Episodes 3 and 4, so why is Fett here when technically he would only be 15 years old by now? And don't tell me it's because of the cloning process, that was a stupid excuse to begin with. The Clone Wars are a joke, and the entire Star Wars universe goes against it's own ideals. If you think about it, Yoda started the Clone Wars. Anyway, the game is too short for the lack of story, it was just there for convenience. There is a part in the game where the main character gets sucked into space and goes through the atmosphere of a planet, which is of course impossible, and no I don't want to hear how it's because he's a Jedi, he's a human, and would've died instantly. In God of War it made sense, but here it's embarrassing. They also don't even pay attention to their own characters traits, the blind Jedi constantly makes remarks that goes against the fact that he's blind, how embarrassing is it when your game does that? You keep asking yourself with his dialogue, "How did you know that, you're blind?" George Lucas then puts into the story, "Let's have another arena battle for no apparent reason, only because we did it in Episode 2." Here's some news for you Lucas, just because you come up with an idea, doesn't make it good, and frankly why does Lucas get a say in anything, he's just the owner of the company, that doesn't give him creative control on films or products. The main character goes to Dagobah for no apparent reason other than to show Yoda because they writers knew they had a horrible story, so let's just throw in a character that everyone loves for no reason or purpose and hope that no one notices. I play video games for the story, story is everything, otherwise we wouldn't have Pixar, Citizen Kane, or any of the classics. Lucas' handprints are all over this thing, no matter who the writer is. Has some cool moves, but otherwise, that's it. It's also not considered acting when your main character shouts and screams his head off for every bit of dialouge. It gets really irritating in the game, especially in the fight between Vader, he's just screaming all his lines, mistaking screaming for being dramatic, it's not, it comes off as hammy and overcompensating.
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