Mirror Mirror (I) (2012)
Quit while you're ahead ...
14 April 2012
Obviously, we already know what story is being pulled off here. So ... why? This movie is so bad, I couldn't stomach watching it in it's entirety. That, and two people sitting in the audience fell asleep and were snoring through it. But seriously, Julia, Julia, Julia ... honey ... fire your manager. They did you no favors getting you in this picture. In summary, the bad CGI was hard to look at, the dialogue is flat, unimaginative and amateurish; the acting looks , no, is directionless. What's more appalling is how many recognizable names are in this movie. Why? what happened? Granted there is always going to be a line of bad movies every year, but you'd hope you wouldn't see seasoned talent in them. This film is flat, boring, and even the parts that are supposed to funny, aren't - comic timing is utterly absent. Sadly, I won't be able to see another film with Nathan Lane in it and take him seriously because of this, or any others for that matter. Even if this went straight to DVD, avoid it at all costs.
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