Jamie Pressly nude!
13 April 2012
Fans of My Name is Earl looking for early erotica featuring beautiful Jamie Pressly, this is your buried treasure. Jamie plays a cynical young woman who invades an upscale home on false pretences and proceeds to debauch everybody in it, for reasons that remain obscure until near the end. It's trashy junk, of course, but great looking trashy junk which even shows occasionally cleverness in how New Ivy manipulates the squares. Moreover, the movie creates a few fairly clever visual motifs, with a lot of voyeuristic peeking around corners and from shadows, especially at the Ivy character, who is only too aware that she is being watched. Jaime is fun in the Ivy role and looks fab and nothing is to be taken too seriously here. There are no deeper truths being exposed here, just Jamie. Nothing is exactly PLAYED for camp, but the movie's makers had to be aware that that was a potential direction things might take, because it entertains mostly in that fashion. Keep expectations low, and you probably won't hate it.
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