Potiche (2010)
1970's set French sitcom...
11 April 2012
Both French stars Catherine Deneuve and Gerard Depardieu have made some of France's finest films and covered a huge array of subjects.

On paper, this Francois Ozon directed comedy should work and has much going for it. Based on a play by Pierre Barillet, it possibly could have worked better in that format. 'Potiche', meaning Trophy Wife refers to the lady at leisure, Suzanne Pujol (Deneuve), married to Robert (Fabrice Luchini) and whose home-making skills are left to the staff.

We initially see Suzanne out jogging at a leisurely pace and even then, the first odd and quirky snippets pop up - fornicating rabbits, a doe, all sort of cheerily saying hello to us - and her. From then on, my thoughts were was that I wasn't going to like Potiche and neither did my friend. We put up with 20 more minutes before switching off.

I decided to borrow the DVD (his parent's) to see if it was actually any good and I still couldn't get into it, though I saw it all. It was, I think, the 1970's style (it IS set then) sort of sitcom, with blindingly fast and largely trite dialogue but without the canned laughter, that I almost expected. Except, I didn't laugh at all, not for the whole of the film.

There were some interesting plot-lines that involved descendants from affairs and the run for Mayor but all the ones regarding the ins and outs of unions and saving the umbrella factory left me cold. Depardieu's character as the Mayor and past romantic interest to Deneuve's Suzanne was a bit one-dimensional and boring, I found.

Unfortunately, Potiche irritated me more than it entertained me and whilst there were many well-timed verbal exchanges between the characters, their straightforward delivery gave no room for acting that was more than what was necessary. I was disappointed with Potiche but can see perhaps why others have enjoyed it.
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