The Iron Lady (2011)
My name is Meryl Streep: WHERE IS MY ... .... "OSCAR"!!! Bad as Mama Mia.
11 April 2012
Of the fifteen hundred movies I have watched this year Meryl Steep has appeared in two of the bottom three percentile (ergo, 97% were better) of all of the films: first "Mama Mia", second "The Iron Lady". It is unfathomable that the academy will award an "Oscar" to an actor in such a poor film with an atrocious story and script, abhorrent directing, and lest we forget the schizophrenic editing.

"Maggie Thatcher Is Senile" should have been the title of this film. The other vignettes of her life have been so loosely connected to this central theme that is akin to walking off a cliff each time the director/editor takes us on another insane journey; simply no cohesion. Instead of focusing on an area of her life someone has decided that since Streep is in it that they can do whatever, namely, confusing chronological time lines.

So much was glossed over it was irrelevant to the film. The Falklands, her as P.M., her time being raised in Grantham, which I visited nearly every weekend during my one year stint studying economics in England, ergo, I am very familiar much of her accomplishments and failures. However, only cursory glimpses of her as an adolescent and as P.M. are delivered only to be interrupted by insane fantasies.

Basically, no time for character development or anything that grips the viewer to the story. Far too chaotic, and this viewer likes chaotic with a good story and script.

The Academy once again is proving that its selection and voting process is due for a change.

My name is Meryl Streep: WHERE IS MY ... .... "OSCAR"!!!
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