Review of Understudy

Smash: Understudy (2012)
Season 1, Episode 10
Understudy is Well Stated ****
10 April 2012
Excellent episode where Derek finally realizes that Karen is right for the part of Marilyn. Unfortunately, Eileen has made sure to get a noted Hollywood star, Uma Therman, to be the headliner in the show. While they eagerly await her from Cuba, Karen shows her mettle and Jack appreciates it.

The staging of the song about Richard Zannuck is well-staged in this show.

Our lyricist impatiently waits for the husband who left her for infedility returns. Methinks she will have a very long wait.

Ivey is as jealous as ever and will probably not stop at anything to certainly changed the way things have been going on.

This episode also proves that one still has to watch terminolgy, often, that of a continual series.
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