Mirror Mirror (I) (2012)
What are the other reviewers talking about?
9 April 2012
OK - so this is a major re-working of Snow White and in fact you could say that it is an entirely different story...bar the principle character names. But to read some of the comments here would be to be mis-led in the extreme in my terribly humble opinion. Not being a huge Ms Roberts fan I was unsure as to how I would react to her as a dominant player in fable setting - but she was capable and trod a fine line between villainy and comedy that worked. Of the other characters - as has been noted Snow White stole the show and was a capable lead and will doubtless go on to far grander things. But the actors delivering the Dwarf story-line were also in keeping with the piece - OK not hugely polished but capable of delivering in the contexts of fantasy. But the real reason for leaving this review is really because of my kids - they loved it. They were scared, amused, excited and involved throughout the film and left having sat through the credit dance sequence first. And frankly it is a film aimed more at them than most reviewers here. So let's not be too sniffy about "truth" or "thespianism" or indeed "realism" - this is a young persons film and looked great, didn't patronise them and had some great ideas brought to life - not always successfully but with a touch of humour and imagination so in my book it's a winner and not to be judged too harshly.
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