A film comedy based on an opera
5 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
But first the news.Nazis ! Nazis ! Nazi!.100year birthday of the founder of German motor cars,Benz,of later Mercedes Benz,This includes showing the Nazi vehicles too.A new kind of passenger cars ,of trains, that convert into a Hospital. More lies about their claims of victory. A 1950's color commercial with an puppet animated poodle selling primitive calculators.This film is a non musical comedy version of the marriage of Figaro, based on a play by Beaumachais. This was produce lat in the war.Instead of France it takes place in Spain ,I think in the 1800?. Originally this was about 75 minutes.It was reissue after the war, edited to 60 minutes.Why? This is more of a talk but no action film.It must have been slow moving.But it looks like your missing nothing.What did they took out? Ilsa doing a whistling version of Lady in Spain? It's hard to tell.but obviously the distributors felt it would speed thing up. Ilsa Werner plays Susanne, the lady maid for Countess Rosina,played by Lola Muthel. Mortimer Snerd looks a like Kurt Meisel portrays Figaro,the counts Valete.He and Susanne are engaged but everyone in the house whole disapproves of it.The count Almaviva, played by Paul Hartman in his first appearance in a color feature, wants her to be his lover.He is neglecting his wife at the same time.In the mean time Marzelline the house keeper, played by Elizabeth Flickenschildt , whose been propose to By Figaro, has hired D.r. Bartholo,played by Aribert Wascher,in his first and possibly only color appearance.The house cleaner wants to stop the marriage.Cherubin, the page,played by Joachim Brenneke,who just die in 2011, flirts with all the women in the house hold.The house cleaner manages to stop the engagement,through the court. Figaro discovers that the house cleaner and the doctor are his parents through birth mark.The party scene ,I'm guessing, is the part that was cut about 15 minutes.Ilsa Werner is mismatched with Curt.He's just too much of a character,than a romantic lead .Both Susie and fig help the countess to get her husband interested in her again,through tricks and disguises at the garden patio.This was a video print ,although not digital it's good quality.The color is also intact with the natural defects that came with a.g.f.a color at that time.Good classic. Available at Germanwarfilm.com and Reichkino 04/05/12. Made some mistakes.Marzelline in this version of Figaro ,is a cook . The Germanwarfilms.com version has the old news and the commercial.But the commercial was more of a surprise. 04/6/12
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