What your doing is illegal.......
2 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Richard and Larry are two best friends who discover that someone has been embezzling money from their company.

When they inform their boss, Bernie Lomax, he is so apparently pleased that he invites then to his beach house for a weekend of fun and leisure and women.

But once they arrive, they discover him dead! Richard wants to do the right thing and inform the authorities as quickly as possible, but Larry is determined to still try and have a weekend of fun and leisure and women.....

First things first, if you don't like the sound of two men walking around with a dead body, making it do admittedly stupid, but very funny things, steer well clear.

But if you can swallow your pride, and admit to the fact that you really want to see this, or have seen it just for the fact, that whenever the titular character falls, or gets 'hurt' in any way, it's a funny movie from start to finish.

A farce on many levels, the film works because it's just so bright and sparky.

The two leads are great, Silverman playing the straight guy, McCarthey playing the party animal, but both characters are very likable.

It's just one of those movies that puts a big grin on your face, forgettable the minute its over, but still a lot of fun.
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