Review of Paradox

Paradox (I) (2010)
Interesting plot in a bad movie
30 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"Paradox" is another film from American World Pictures, made for Sci-Fi Channel. The plot of the movie actually is interesting, and it would be nice: the film begins on a parallel Earth, similar to ours, but where magic has replaced science and vice versa. Much is different this world, which apparently developed after the 2nd World War, when Winston Churchill (yes, him), uses the same mystical objects that Adolf Hittler used to win the war - he is still alive in the movie, with 130 years.

In this world, it's common the use of necromancy, spells and crystals that store the mystical force that replaces the normal power on Earth: the most powerful politicians are actually the most powerful magicians. But something mysterious happens when a murder occurs, using a strange metal projectile - in fact a bullet from a .44 Magnum, from our world - the magic is weak against the iron.

Interesting, isn't it? But what is interesting stops here.

Kervin Sorbo is in the role of Sean Nault, a homicide detective who investigates the case, he ends up finding a esoteric shot (actually a science store) from Lenoir (Steph Song), and discovers a plot that could destroy the world (I do not go into spoilers here, only because would not be worthwhile to describe the rest of the story).

the film is based on the comic of the same name, written by Chistos N. Gage, and has an approach to his origins, taking (and using badly) ideas used in "Sin City". The between-scenes are show sometimes by converting the images into drawings, sometimes from changes frames and scenes like they were comic book frames.

The acting is terrible, the more enjoyable one is from Kevin Sorbo (who has starred in many films and TV series such as Andromeda and Hercules) - many clichés and horrible and confusing dialogs scattered all around.

The scenery comes to to be funny for the moment, sometimes being sterile on the indoor, sometimes with open air fake scenarios generated by CG (one scene in the snow is hilarious): the special effects, as one might expect, also use CG in scenes with creatures (Pegasus, dragons, etc. - yes that's right) who try to be quick, not to show the quality of it. Many items of scenery and makeup (eg the "zombies" that are used as workers) are too horrible, reminding a Star Trek episode in the late '60s.

If this is deliberate or not is another story. The big problem, even excluding what I mentioned, is that the story becomes confused, with many bad scenes and with bad explanations, and that get us in a hasty conclusion. in the final 20 minutes.

Another movie that came out very bad, yet, it has enough to be funny, and like it or not, have a starting plot that is interesting, but not being well developed and with bad writing / acting / effects, sinks the film. My score: 3.6 / 10.0.
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