We Need More Reality Shows Like This
31 March 2012
I love this show. This TV Show is a great way of showing how fighters act outside or inside the cage with real fighters and real people. I have huge respect for the mental toughness of an indivudual who might have an injury and push past it, still winning his match etc. That's one aspect of what martial arts is all about when competing. Also, another thing I like is when you see a complete tool like Chris Leben in Season 1 who always talks too much about his record and how good he is and then loses all of his fights which proves another thing that as a fighter you must also have good character or you can get swollowed up in your own bullshit. Be humble.

Most of this show is drama but some of the show has conflict when you have two guys that don't like each other and always argue (that's the most fun part). The rest is about the 16 competitors fighting tournament stlye to get to the final fight and becoming an ultimate fighter.
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