Lots of beaches, no sand.
28 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The only saving grace of this film was Sonny & Cher. Even with the little B-Side single they sang,their talent and professionalism shines through. Sonny, with his long hair way over his ears, was ultra cool compared with all those button-down collar guys in the room with their parted Brylcream hair styles. You'd be hard-pressed to find a cooler chick than Cher in 1965. After that, it was all downhill.The rock band known as "The Astronauts" featured a couple of guys strumming their guitars to a surf beat and a guy trying to sound like Elvis crooning along. They would have been booted out of the local teen club in 1965. Frankie Randall seemed like a 35-year-old college student and acted like that obnoxious guy you knew who thought he was "all that". Sherry Jackson walked around like she had PMS. Then there was some dorky guy the camera kept focusing on as all the 30 something teenagers were doing the twist and the "swim". He was an incredibly bad dancer - a complete dweeb...must have been the producer's son. This film had very little going for it - no bikinis, no surf,.....a debacle.
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