Worzel Gummidge Down Under
28 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The original children's television series of Worzel Gummidge is an absolute treasure from my childhood, and still is to this day, but I had only ever seen one episode of the follow up series, which I had my doubts about to be honest. Basically this continues the adventures of the walking talking scarecrow Worzel Gummidge (Jon Pertwee), and it sees his "intended" Aunt Sally (Una Stubbs) sold to a museum collector and taken on a plane to New Zealand, and of course Worzel follows her. Once there, Worzel soon meets his "Zew Nealand" master, the country's own Crowman (Bruce Phillips), who assigns him his new post having been told by the original Crowman to keep an eye on him. The series follows pretty much the same concept as the original show, where Worzel pursues Aunt Sally in whatever situation she is in, hanging out with the new children - friends Mickey (Jonathan Marks) and Manu (Olivia Ihimaera-Smiler), and the Crowman having to teach and advise him, but there are some significant differences. These include Worzel himself in more bizarre and actually rather interesting scrapes, such as adventures with other scarecrows, becoming a king, becoming evil, and becoming Sherlock Holmes, the Crowman has powers with a crystal ball and stuff, and there is also the addition of the evil Travelling Scarecrow Maker (Wi Kuki Kaa) who turns scarecrows into zombie like drones. Also starring Gerald Bryan as Rooney, Brian Sergent as Dagnation Take It, Michael Haigh as Professor Pike, David Weatherley as Bulbous Cauliflower, Ian Mune as Worty Yam, Peter Rowley as Weevily Swede and Danny Mulheron as Blighty Tater. Pertwee is still as lovable as ever playing Worzel, Stubbs is slightly less mean and greedy but still good fun, Phillips is likable as the new Crowman (though not as charming as Geoffrey Bayldon), and in his episodes Kaa is creepy as the evil character. I was expecting this series to be less funny, with cheesy story lines, a same old same old feel and I would find it boring, but I was actually pleasantly surprised, especially when there were two part episodes that continue, I think this is almost as good as the original series, I'd watch it again, a fun family comedy series. Very good!
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