Review of Another

Another (2012)
27 March 2012
Its been a while since I've seen a good horror anime...'Another' is definitely worthy...

Sakakibara is a new student at a small town high school. He becomes friends with a girl named Mei who wears an eye patch and doesn't have any friends. Eventually she tells him the story of how every year, a strange calamity occurs in class 3 of 9th 'extra' person is present in the class and things go horribly wrong for everyone unless certain steps are taken in advance. I don't want to spoil it, but I will say that it may seem confusing to begin with, but things become clearer with time...

I liked virtually everything about this show...the characters, the animation, the storyline...maybe it could have had better music (which was a bit too slow for my taste). Also, I saw the censored version where they black out any blood or (apparently excessive) violence, which sux, coz thats half the reason I was watching it! Bring on the uncensored version I say!
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