If Flash Gordon had taken his fight to the seas and brought an annoying kid along!
26 March 2012
I will refrain from scoring this one as I only viewed the first two episodes of this serial, however, just the little bit I did see reminded me of Flash Gordon. Atlantis is at war, a warlord of types is causing the land to be in chaos, and he wants to bring us into the fray by causing earthquakes. So a scientist in his rocket submarine along with Crash go to see if they can stop this quakes. Also along is a reporter and an annoying kid, because you can not do anything in these serials without a plucky reporter, kids are optional. This serial looks like a lot of effort was put into making it, to bad the end result appears to be a simple ripoff of an already established franchise. I encountered this serial on MST3K where they did the first two parts of the series before stopping. I wish they had continued as this made for more entertaining riffing than did the movies. I would of also liked to have seen how this series played out. At least they did not leave us hanging as much when they simply stopped showing radar men when it had to be very close to concluding.
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