Super-ironic...and silly.
22 March 2012
This is a very silly film that might offend some. But, considering how many years it debuted after 9-11, it's probably about time for folks to laugh (a bit) about Osama bin Laden.

The film was made in India but is set in Pakistan. A young reporter longs to come to America, but he's gotten in hot water on his previous attempt to enter the country. Now he's brainstorming with his friend about how to get into the USA. He's considering getting a fake passport but ultimately they come upon an insane plan--to stage a fake broadcast and sell it to the media as the real thing. Unfortunately, instead of giving them the money to buy the fake passport after selling the tape, things spin wildly out of control--and it's anyone's guess what will happen next.

The funniest portions of the film are how the friends conspire to film a bin Laden video starring a guy who bears a strong similarity to the man. You see, they don't tell him it's a bin Laden tape but they have him practice a speech in Arabic--and he has no idea that it's a long diatribe about al Qaeda and America. Some of the humor is quite good--some is pretty silly and occasionally dumb. But, on balance, the film is clever and slight--and worth seeing. It might offend you (especially since it occasionally makes fun of America and the War on Terror) but most likely you'll take it in the spirit it probably was intended--in good fun. Cute.

So what about the ironic aspects of the film? Well, in the film, the fake Bin Laden was in Pakistan...and it turned out the real one was being protected there as well!
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