Review of Soul Men

Soul Men (2008)
Good old odd-couple comedy !
22 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Set back and relax, because you're in for a ride. I think I didn't say these corny terms in a review before, but you know what, it's the time to say it, while meaning a good thing too.

This is a good old odd couple buddy comedy, written as a kind of musical road movie. I loved the script. It made good riot along the way, with nice games too (the matter of your daughter, my daughter. I'm so sick, you're so sick, etc). The comic lines were many and slick. However, you have to feel that the comedy was lesser than the potential of the story, and the cast. For instance, it didn't need to bare some actor to make laughs, what it did need was less easy, less cheap handling than that!

(Bernie Mac) and (Samuel L. Jackson) are perfect. And maybe more perfect with each other. I wasn't a (Bernie Mac) fan until this movie by the way (very late I know!). Everything about him here is adorable, and I'm not talking out of nostalgia caused by his death. Look at the way he laughs that sarcastic, extremely idiot, laugh, or look at his crying over canceling his performance; OK, that moment was historical; I mean his only competitor would be (James Dean) in East of Eden (1955) through another crying scene. (Mac) portrayed pain there as it should be.

The selection of songs did wonderfully. And the 2 leads' performance wasn't less wonderful. I have never imagined that (Mac) and (Jackson) could sing this catchy. The climax of this movie's fun remains in the scene inside the coffin; that was both hilarious and sentimental.

Now, to the problems. Hmmm, not many though. Sure the ocean of the F words. I don't think that black people, as they look in Hollywood movies, swear in this superabundant way, and I don't think that it serves any comedy or drama, and I don't think that our ears are supposed to be trash boxes for that matter. The F words, with its derivatives, run boringly and nastily while consuming them non-stop. The nudity is, as always and forever, degenerate and disgusting . The back projections, with the desert image, seemed too fake. Then, (Mac) was 50 year old, which makes him at least 10 years younger than his character. That was clear from the start, especially with the presence of someone older and fitter for his character like (Jackson) who was 60 year old.

It was called with names like "having unoriginal script", lacking more comic situations, and ending pretty fast. But despite this or that, it worked, managing eventually to be delightful and colorful time on screen. And although (Soul Men) is 2 men show, but (Mac) was the one who stole it meritoriously.
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