Falcon Crest: Troubled Waters (1982)
Season 2, Episode 3
Cole Gets Framed
15 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Chase (Robert Foxworth), still a member of the Tuscany County Board of Supervisors continues to push for breaking up Falcon Crest's monopoly on water rights and form a public utility allowing smaller growers and vintners access to the water for irrigation.

Angela Channing (Jane Wyman), tyrannical half-owner (With Chase, her nephew ironically) of Falcon Crest tries to persuade the board the water isn't fit for public use.

Meanwhile snarky scoundrel Richard Channing (David Selby) is fluttering around wineries in Tuscany making offers. Whether he is serious or whether he is just doing it to prod Angela is unclear. The way we have seen him do business over a very short amount of time suggests he likes doing both whenever he can.

Maggie is still trying to write her screenplay. Vickie (Jamie Rose) splits with her boyfriend Mario and is left heartbroken as he leaves Tuscany. Evidently the writers were struggling to find things for these two characters to do. It is very noticeable.

Angela's crazy daughter Emma (Margaret Ladd) takes to the road after buying her first car. More wilful and unburdened by the secret of her uncle Jason Gioberti's death since testifying at the inquest she is a threat to use her shares in the San Francisco Globe inherited from her father Douglas Channing.

Angela, who feared letting her daughter see psychiatrists lest they help her remember what happened the night of Jason's death is also, in a way, unburdened by the secret and looks to have Emma declared incompetent so that she can have her proxy in her fight to gain control of the newspaper in advance of a board meeting called by Richard. Richard gives her and anybody with an ounce of good taste reason to fight him by turning the paper into a scandal sheet.

Carlo Agretti, Melissa's hotheaded wine baron father is upset over just about everything in this episode. She has been married to Lance (Lorenzo Lamas) and is carrying what Carlo thinks is Lance's child. Lance hates her and shows it right in front of Carlo causing the old man to flip out as the baby's real father Cole Gioberti (William Moses) continually presses his claim to Melissa and their child.

Cole is framed for Carlo's murder (Yes! Another mysterious death on Falcon Crest) and of course ends up doing an excellent job of making himself look that much more guilty with how he handles himself at the scene by touching the murder weapon and smearing blood on his shirt.

The complexity of this show was expanded by the addition of Richard Channing at the beginning of the second season. He made it into a family feud fought on multiple fronts. Depending on one's affinity for the show he either ratcheted up the confusion or the dramatic tension.
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