A Thousand Words (I) (2012)
14 March 2012
Absolute rubbish film! Yet another turkey from Eddie Murphy. This and Adam Sandler's Jack & Jill should be condemned to movie oblivion. Both cost millions and millions and for what? Surely Hollywood could use that money for much better films that funding stupid boring trash like this. Has Eddie ever really been funny? Well, there was Trading Places, Beverley Hills Cop and Coming To America - but they were in the 80s!! His endless slew of "family" films have been truly dreadful. Why oh why do Hollywood execs keep funding Eddie Murphy films??? Who watches them? Who exactly are these Eddie Murphy fans? Are they all brain-dead zombies who think Murphy opening his eyes wide and looking surprised is the height of hilarity? This film is just another reason why Murphy should stop making films all together. He can't act, he's not funny. Him and Adam Sandler should be marooned on a desert island together. The pits!
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