Review of Game Change

Game Change (2012 TV Movie)
13 March 2012
I don't love Sarah Palin, but unlike this movie I am not out to get her. This was the biggest bag of crap that I have ever seen. This movie is full of constant lie after lie. Lie number 1, Sarah Palin was picked off YouTube and not vetted at all. Lie number 2, Sarah Palin is a complete idiot. They made it seem like Sarah Palin didn't know who we fought in WWII. They said she thought Saddam Hussein attacked us on 9/11. Both lies and are only 2 of many. Lie number 3, John McCain regretted the decision to chose her. REPEATEDLY, time after time, McCain has said that he does not regret the choice to have Palin on the ticket. He also contends that he won't see this movie because the book it was based of was also full of lies. The worst part of the movie is that the liberal democrats who wrote/acted in this movie couldn't even show the character of the people they were "portraying." While the movie did paint McCain as the great statesman's he his (regardless if you agree with his politics)they had him cursing all time, which he doesn't do, and the character in the movie didn't think or act the same way he does in real life. The most disappointing charter was obviously Palin herself. While I will say the acting was actually pretty good that's all it was acting. She is absolutely nothing like she is in the movie. They painted her as a crazy, self-absorbed, and utterly stupid woman who was more concerned with her looks and poll numbers in Alaska than serving the country. They made it seem like when she did something wrong in an interview it was because she was stupid, but when she did well at the debate it was because she memorized the answers. They had her throwing a phone against the wall and completely disregarding the people that wanted to help her. More lies. Finally, the most disgusting part about this movie is the fact that it is based on unnamed sources and people who work for the other party now. It also attempts to bash the right by making the people in the party seem racist and stupid, while making Obama look like a god. It conveniently focuses on on the losing VP candidate rather than the person who was hand picked and is in the white house today. I'm not saying Sarah Palin wasn't hand picked to be VP for political reason, but why focus on her when the president who was less experienced than her was chosen for the same reasons. Like him or not, it is undeniable that the left hand picked a well spoken African American person who would be a better candidate then Hilary Clinton. Yet instead of making a movie about the guy who actually won they chose to degrade Sarah Palin. Look I'm all for a movie that shows how screwed up our political system is, but to make up facts and blatantly lie while being completely one sided is not the way to do it. Honestly, this movie makes me sick. I would tell you to see it and decide for yourself, but I don't want you to waste your time or give these scumbags any money. In short this movie sucks don't see it.
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