Rosewood Lane (2011)
What The Hell Was That?
11 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I'll keep this brief.

Awful, awful movie that outrageously wastes its talented cast on a ludicrous sub-Stephen King premise that goes nowhere and has the dumbest ending I've seen in a long, long time.

I think my dog could have written a better screenplay and my dog is an idiot. And I don't have a dog.

Two things I learned: 1. Houses on Rosewood Lane have front and back doors made of plywood that are mounted on hinges made of paper. 2. Bike spokes and pedals are scary now, apparently.

Lesley-Anne Down is beyond beautiful, though. So there's that.

If I could leave you with one piece of advice it would be: "Don't. Just...don't."
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