Out-and-out misfire
11 March 2012
William Golman says this is his most hurtful failure ("Which Lie Did I Tell" - published around 2000). Not just a movie that didn't do well at the box-office for some reason, a real stinking dud. He seems at a loss to understand what was wrong. His only hint is that people don't care about red wine. Wrong wrong wrong. Red wine in this movie is only part of the scenery, and the big heavy unbreakable bottle of Château Lafite 1811 (Year of the Comet) is just a McGuffin, albeit a poor one.

So William Goldman can't understand why people left, or more accurately fled, the free advance screening in Sherman Oaks that fateful night in 1992. Well the movie is really bad. Exposition is heavy handed, the girl is nice but the character passive and bland, the boy is just weak. Goldman had Cary Grant in mind to picture the male lead, well, let's just say that this cute boy Daly is hardly a decent supporting actor.

The movie is totally silly and Peter Yates fails to bring it to the level of an action comedy. Louis Jourdan's last job is what's most in line with a silly funny movie, the rest is mostly a script that doesn't take its story seriously enough for the big fat cheap jokes to work.

And by the way Year of the Comet is a really bad title for something that has as much to do with astronomy as with wine.
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