Prisoners to this lost cause of a movie
9 March 2012
Hokey sci-fi fantasy concerns a dimension transporter inadvertently sending three individuals (Lenz, Hatch and the contraption's inventor, Hendel) into a parallel universe where the evil Kleel (Saxon) is a reigning warlord whose justice is "harsh but just", raping and pillaging throughout the countryside that includes green men, water-beasts, fire rocks and other assorted weirdos.

Hatch is an affable leading man, here given sword-fighting ability against the chauvinistic Kleel character, played tongue-in-cheek by Saxon as he wields his will across the land. Kay Lenz is feisty and attractive, while Peter O'Farrell gets most of the scarce intentional laughs as a diminutive thief. The action and special effects are handled primitively, and there's a child-like quality to the film in spite of some sadistic violence and mild gore.

Difficult to pitch as a comedy (particularly as most of the jokes fall flat), and not serious enough to be a straight sci-fi fantasy, it's a curious film that makes little sense and offers only light, sporadic entertainment. Saxon delivers some mildly amusing dialogue ("Kleel's law is just.., odd, but just"), but it's not witty enough to attract cult status, and the climax is rushed (looks like a proper ending couldn't be conceived) leaving the overall film, immensely unsatisfying.
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