Review of Deviation

Deviation (2012)
A catastrophe of a film
6 March 2012
I'm a pretty big Danny Dyer film fan, sadly, he ticked no boxes with this role. There was no physiological tension between the two of them, the spaces between were of uncomfortable silence, not suspense. I thought Danny Dyer took this character of Norton to far, it was unconvincing. By 30 minutes in I wanted to turn off, the first Dyer film to do that to me, but I didn't want to waste my £3.80 that I payed to Sky Bob Office, 90minutes of my life I won't get back, and that's not even starting on the ending. Regardless of if what ''Amber'' gave ''Norton'' is realistic or not ''her being a nurse and all..'' is irrelevant, it's more the sheer terrible decision to end it that way, to even include that in the plot. The acting from the other guys is a little left to be desired to, the guy who attacked Norton in the street with a bit of wood, looked like he was tickling him..

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