Driven (2001)
The problem with this film is focus.
5 March 2012
Not one of Stallone's best films, but certainly not his worst (anyone remember Oscar?). The problem with this film is focus. Too many chiefs and not enough Indians, too little focus on the characters, questionable racing scenes that focus little on actual racing (which would seem to be a little important when making a film about racing). Take your pick. Stallone comes off too "Rocky" in many scenes, although his brief scenes with the lovely Stacy Edwards are well done. Burt Reynolds plays the role of the hardcore team owner without once cracking his signature smile, which is not only disappointing, but disheartening. Til Schweiger discussing emotions with Stallone? In real life, perhaps, but as two tough guys and champions having a tea and sympathy moment? It just doesn't work. Estelle Warren as a love interest works, with her lithe and lovely manners and obvious beauty, but her emotional level doesn't rise to the part. Perhaps the most unbelievable scene in the film is the emotional moment when Kip Pardue and Sly are racing about the city of Chicago in two experimental cars, violating every traffic law on the books, and endangering hundreds of lives, and yet receive no more than a $25,000.00 fine and no suspensions. In all, the characters are two dimensional at best, the superficial at worst, and the film is a waste of just under two hours of your precious time. Rated PG, not collectible, and certainly not one to rent unless you enjoy being bored.
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