Review of Sherrybaby

Sherrybaby (2006)
A good reason to stay out of prison
3 March 2012
"Sherrybaby" is a film about a young woman who has just been let out of prison and is attempting to fit back into society. As you might guess, it ain't easy. This story has been around since the first prison was invented (or at least since Victor Hugo's "Les Miserables"), but it's always very interesting because, if done properly, it deals with a lot of complex themes. "Sherrybaby" rises to the challenge and succeeds.

I'll warn you, this story comes at you pretty hard & heavy. It pulls no punches, showing us the sleaziest, rudest, most annoying aspects of human society and its prejudices. This is NOT a good date movie, nor will it instill you with a surge of love for your fellow humans, that's for sure. But it does carry some inspiring messages about what it takes to succeed as a human being in an unforgiving world.

There are a lot of disturbing clichés, like abusive officers who flaunt their authority to degrade poor Sherry, or like the bitchy family members who are trying to keep Sherry from her daughter, or all the men she meets who treat her like nothing more than a sexual object. There is definitely a cynical vibe that runs through the entire story, and not many characters are fact you basically hate almost everyone (which is a compliment to the excellent acting). But there are also some unexpected spots of brightness, and that's what kept me interested. At the end of the film, I felt satisfied.

I've seen several films that deal with ex-convicts reintegrating themselves back into society. My favourites, which I highly recommend, are "I've Loved You So Long (2008) and a quirky, hilarious little flick called "Buffalo 66" (1998). And of course there's the must-see film "Slingblade" (1996).
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