Wolf's Rain (2003–2004)
Wolf's Rain: Interpret
28 February 2012
Wolf's Rain is just the best anime ever! There's no argument! It touches many different grounds and thus establishes itself as one of the most philosophical animes of all time. It urges us, the viewers, to ask ourselves the most fundamental questions, for example, why do we live? Throughout the anime, we witness how the main characters (Kiba, Hige, Tsume and Toboe) and even the supporting characters, grow up and change and experience different feelings which at the end of the series serve to illustrate how each and everyone of us interpret life and beyond that... One of the most important and interesting part of the story is obviously Episodes 19 and 20, where Kiba meets Myu in the Eternal Garden. Though it's an illusion, it shows the veritable feelings of Kiba towards his friends and Cheza and why he wants to find the "Rakuen". With a background of Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Wolf's Rain shows how Society is, with discrimination, Capitalism, aspirations and how human beings are, love, hatred, confusion, trust, loyalty and the animal instincts in all of us. Therefore, I can only conclude this review by stating once more, the most obvious fact, Wolf's Rain is the beat anime of all time!
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