Review of InSight

InSight (2011)
InSight, the twists will keep you guessing
28 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Natalie Zea (Justified, Dirty Sexy Money) plays the resolute and distressed Kaitlyn. Zea realistically conveys the characters emotions and actions. It's easy to enjoy Zea's noteworthy performance in this film. Kaitlyn not only takes on the task of solving who murdered Alison Parks, but she also provides in home care to her cancer stricken mother Patricia (Veronica Cartwright).

Kaitlyn winds up partnering up with Detective Peter Rafferty who is assigned to investigate Allison Park's murder. Detective Peter Rafferty is played by the talented Sean Patrick Flanery of Powder, Young Indiana Jones, and Boondock Saints I & II fame.

Flanery gives a solid performance as the over-worked, yet compassionate Detective Rafferty. Rafferty gets to show his tough side as well when he "questions" Allison's stalker-esque ex-boyfriend Stephen Geiger who is played by actor-musician Thomas Ian Nicholas of the T.I.N Men.

InSight's pace doesn't let up for a single moment. The films pace even speeds up as it goes into it's final stretch. As I followed each twist and turn in an attempt to piece together Kaitlyn's visions, I still was left guessing who was Allison Park's murderer. The script is craftily devised to keep people on the edge of their seats guessing until the end, and even then the ending is a surprising twist with it being "open to some interpretation". InSight's production values are highly exceptional for an independent film.
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