Review of Born to Win

Born to Win (1971)
A trip down Herion Alley
27 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Brutal gritty as well as funny, in its more light hearted scenes, "Born to Win" is about a loser Mr. J, George Seagal, who's addiction to drugs finally catches up with him. That's when Mr. J outlives his usefulness to his big time drug supplier known as "The Geek", Hector Elizondo, and the two narcotic cops Ed Medsen and his partner Danny, played by a 27 year old Robert De Niro, who are using Mr.J. to set "The Geek" up.

Trying to kick the habit Mr. J knows his addiction will eventually kill him but him kicking it is easier said then done. With him hanging around junkies like himself he only makes things worse in the company that he keeps. There's also the free spirited Parm, Karen Black, who for some strange reason gets the hots for the shaggy dog looking Mr.J after she caught him trying to steal her car in midtown Manhattan. We later see in Pram's duplex West Side Manhattan apartment, where does she get the cash to pay the rent, that she has a couple of cats, a back and orange one, as pets! Can it be that she want's to give Mr.J, who's as cuddly and cute like a puppy dog, a roof over his head and three meals a day as well? With all this good luck Mr.J is still craving for the good stuff, heroin, and that leads him as well as his junkie friend Billy Dynamite, Jay Fletcher, to rob drug smuggler Stanley,Irving Selbst, of his monthly heroin shipment supplied to him by "The Geek". In doing that both of them, Mr.J & Billy Dynamite, are targeted by "The Geek's" boys for immediate termination. What's even worse for Mr. J the cops, Danny & Madsen, now got something else on him beside his drug using and trafficking. In that they now arrested Parm on trumped up charges threatening to send her up the river, prison, on a both phony drug and prostitution rap.

***SPOILERS*** With Pram now in the clink and him facing as much as 40 years behind bars for not cooperating with the police, in fact he did but couldn't get him to bite at the bait,in setting up "The Geek" Mr.J now has another big and shocking surprise coming to him. That's in the drugs he was to get from "The Geek" as a reward for his services that was hidden under the sink in a public mens washroom. Giving his good friend and fellow junkie Billy Dynamite the first taste or shot he suddenly goes into convulsions and dropped dead on the spot! As it turned out "The Geek" handed him a hot load in payment for trying to set him up! But it was the luckless Billy Dynamite who ended up getting it!

P.S One of actor George Seagal's personal favorites which he put his heart & soul as well as money into. Nowhere as good and as "Panic in Needle Park" which was released the same year but still hits the spot in what hard drug addiction, that seemed to have become hip at the time, can do to a person who thinks he can handle it. Not only does it destroy him but everyone he comes in contact with even those, like Pram, who aren't addicted to it!
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