Review of Frescorts

Pushing Daisies: Frescorts (2008)
Season 2, Episode 4
If you don't have any friends just hire one!
27 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Rather than starting with a flashback to Ned's unfortunate childhood this episode begins with a view of Emerson's early days; showing how he and his mother worked together as private detectives. This set things up for the appearance of a mystery woman at The Pie Hole which turns out to be his mother. While they are getting reacquainted a woman comes in wanting help to find the person responsible for killing her best friend. This is the second person that day with such a request and both had the same best friend. It turns out this wasn't a normal friend but a 'freascort' or friend-escorts hired from 'My Best Friend Inc.', a company run buy former high school sports star who saw that not everybody could get friends as easily as him. Chuck and Olive get jobs at the company to learn what is happening but end up learning a little too much about each other.

While not the best episode to date this was still fun to watch; the case was suitably strange but not as strange as suspect and taxidermist Randy Mann; actor David Arquette managed to make the character both creepy and slightly sympathetic. It is good to see Olive back at The Pie Hole although it looked as if things wouldn't go to well with Chuck after their conversation when trapped in a locker. When the killer and motive are revealed things are fairly entertaining if a little creepy for reasons I won't spoil here. I was a bit surprised that more wasn't made of Emerson's mother; perhaps it was intended to bring her back at a later date but were unable to because of the show's premature cancellation.
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