Review of D4

D4 (2011)
Impressive Use of Limited Resources
23 February 2012
I watch a lot of independent movies. Usually this means low budget. But low budget doesn't have to mean bad. D4 is a perfect example of a movie with meager means that manages to pull it off.

My biggest challenge with indie movies is production value - or the lack thereof. Darrin Dickerson manages to pull off some pretty decent production values here. Good cinematography, believable sets, and actor who (while not George Clooney or Meryl Streep) do an admirable job. Dickerson understands the details make a difference.

The story is told from two points of view that converge about 2/3 of the way in. Each story is compelling and kept me interested.

I have seen other reviews of this film speaking poorly of the quality. I guess these folks were expecting Transformers (which sucked by the way) or something from Spielberg.

If you watch most any of your typical low budget indie films and then watch D4 - you will understand how D4 stands head and shoulders above most.

The film is not rated - but under today's standards a PG-13 or soft R. No sex, minimal swearing (oddly enough), and violence that isn't in your face.
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