Review of Insolação

Insolação (2009)
18 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"Sunstroke" puts the viewer through a lot of awkwardness without properly rewarding them. Cinephiles might enjoy the photography and the sci-fi/soviet desolated atmosphere it successfully creates, but the average viewer can only be bored by this.

The film crawls through several story lines, none compelling or even curiosity-evoking. Except maybe for an infatuated boy, characters have no motivations and are impossible to relate to. They probably lack sense by design, for the sake of some allegory - which is unclear to me and most reviewers - and are not even slightly interesting.

Conversation scripts have obviously been translated from English - and too literally ("find a way out of the desert"; "you don't look like a doctor"). It is quite disappointing to hear good actors saying phony lines in their own mother tongue.

You realize very soon the plot is going nowhere, and from there on the pretentiousness of the scenes and dialogs varies between barely watchable and just plain ridiculous. Avoid if you can.
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