People Like To Dress Up...
18 February 2012
First off, let me just say that, when it comes to the creation of black metal, you must be from the north. Experience the northern frost, the northern moon...I digress...

This is one of the most revealing black metal movies ever made. It shows at once the artistry and legitimacy of black metal as an art form while showing the fallacy--******* who think they're black metal and who revel in its darkness, yet cannot fully comprehend the true capacity or meaning of the genre.

I highly recommend this film to anyone who truly loves black metal music. To all those who are just getting into black metal: this film is not for you. If this film in itself is your introduction to the darkness that is black metal, back away now. You must be well versed in the art form firsthand to fully appreciate this film. Regardless of the filmmaker's intent, 'Until the Light Takes Us' shows the duality of those who believe they 'participate' in the creation of art within the black metal medium: once again, those who falsely participate, and those who do so rather actively. (Note: the g00f dancing in the art gallery: kill yourself. Kill yourself and all your friends now.) In a brief aside, nothing more can be said about Fenriz that has not already been said. He is the pillar which holds black metal aloft to this day, and remains (along with his band Darkthrone, Burzum, Mayhem, Immortal, and a few others) the true gatekeepers of the genre.

In closing, buy black metal albums, support the church burnings of all Christian nations, listen to Darkthrone & Burzum, and **** the world!

P.S. This review was edited for language: very, very UN-black metal. **** *** *******!!!
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