Review of Camille

Camille (I) (2008)
Odd, ridiculous, silly but very sweet and sad.
18 February 2012
When I first saw this movie, I only saw the last 25 minutes. I thought it was hilarious and a typical Hollywood piece of crap.... until I watched it later on from the beginning.

I won't spoil the ending for you, but if I told you what happens in the end you too would probably think this movie was horrible and ridiculous. "Camille" is quite far-fetched and strays from the normal love story, except for it's another movie where a female character believes she can change her man. What surprised me about this movie is how deep of a character Camille really is. Her emotions and free spirit kept me interested. I always considered Sienna Miller to be overrated, until the movie "Camille" came along. She is from England yet her southern drawl is quite convincing. Her character is well-written. She's is the stereotypical foolish southern girl who is foolishly in love with a petty thief who is just interested in escaping to Canada to get away from the authorities. While I didn't find James Franco to be very convincing (not that I ever have), he did do an adequate job of playing the inconsiderate bad-boy. Sienna Miller, however, draws you into the story. You can feel her heart break when she finally realizes that Silas truly doesn't love her. For the rest of the movie you can't help but feel terrible for this innocent woman who only seems to be full of love. The supporting cast is also complete. David Carradine (Cowboy Bob) and Scott Glenn (another underrated actor) compliment Sienna Miller and the story perfectly. There is some great cohesiveness going on between the actors in this feature. I would definitely recommend this movie for people who can suspend disbelief for the corny parts of the movie but who love heart-wrenching films. It's a true gem for romance-seekers out there!
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