Sugar (I) (2008)
Nice movie with no idea
17 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the movie. The picture, atmosphere, and documentary-feel casting are great. And I kept liking it until its middle. And then I started thinking, what is going on there. Why does the main character behave the way he behaves? What does the movie want to teach me or tell me? I couldn't find answers to any of these questions, except that "you should be a good and strong man who runs away from a challenge". And I don't think that's an idea someone wants to take away. Moreover, the challenge is almost not there. Just some disturbances with no major psychological significance to a strong guy like the main character. So, if you want to watch a beautifully made movie about giving up and running away from a challenge, watch this one. Otherwise, you're risking to be as confused as I am.
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