Review of The Ledge

The Ledge (2011)
Uninventive and mediocre
17 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The first problem is that the film tried to be thought provoking, but it didn't succeed in this, seeing as the whole Christianity vs atheism argument used in this movie was pretty uninventive and uneducated - basically, "I'm a raging atheist because some religious people are bad guys and blow up things". Go figure. Found it also pretty strange why the lead got that carried away in all those arguments about religion, I mean none of the discussions with the husband were even closely heated which brings me to another point - acting.

Some people were saying that Liv Tyler seemed rather distant and apathetic in this movie. I don't necessarily object, but her characters have that feel in more movies than one which isn't necessarily a bad thing and it works for some actresses. The main problem was the lead - Charlie Hunnam who - judging on this movie alone, just can't act - considering what he had been through and that he was about to commit suicide, he seemed to be doing pretty OK at the rooftop, telling his story like he was having a beer with a friend. Convincing? If you want a true portrait of someone in a tight situation and able to convey that emotion as well, try Gosling as Henry Letham in Stay. When it comes to drama genre, you somehow need to be able to associate with the people in the movie on some sort of a level, but in this case, it was really hard to do so.

All in all, the movie was trying to be artistic and emotional, but it never felt convincing because of the booming mediocrity of each aspect.
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