Murder in Coweta County (1983 TV Movie)
How powerful is the man who can't control himself?
16 February 2012
Johnny Cash never got much opportunity to prove himself as an actor, but he always rose to the occasion when given the chance. With this film, and "The Pride of Jesse Hallam" (1981), he was given a pair of roles that had a depth of character he could really do something with. "Murder in Coweta County" is certainly the better of the two. Both films were directed by Gary Nelson. Besides Cash, there are two very good performances in Andy Griffith and Earl Hindman. Griffith is incredibly slimy and menacing here, playing way, way out of type. It wasn't his style to play the bad guy, but he does it marvelously here. The late Earl Hindman is excellent as well. Hindman was a character actor who is both remembered and nearly forgotten for the very same role - that of Wilson on the "Home Improvement" TV series. Remembered for his memorable performances, forgotten because his face was always at least partially hidden. June Carter Cash is fantastic and almost unrecognizable as the fortune teller.

"Murder in Coweta County" is a true story, and that information driving the script forward helps it keep from dipping too far into cliché. There are elements that feel a little standard, but nothing too distracting from the drama. The characterizations get under your skin, especially Johnny Cash is what might be the best performance he ever gave. It's a great little southern police/crime movie.
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