Review of Stageghost

Stageghost (2000)
A Real Stinker
14 February 2012
To the defenders of this movie, all I can say is: "Huh?" This is one of the very few movies I have ever turned off before the end. Pointless, nothing supernatural, laughable "skeleton" outfits on the crooks, bad dialog, you name it. The marshal, or sheriff, or whatever he was, began the movie hating the captured bank robber, then suddenly does a 180 without much motivation. "I hate your guts, you scum. . .nah, I guess you're alright." With few exceptions, the actors could have been replaced with cardboard cutouts. Lots of clichés were thrown in, but not enough to help. Yes, help. One colorful villain thrown in the mix was a lot more like a one-eyed land pirate than a cowboy. But, he either wasn't good enough, or bad enough, to help the movie. I awarded two stars, one for the lovely Dana Barron and one for Christopher Atkins. Both did fine jobs, especially considering what they had to work with. Unless you simply have time to kill, or are curious to see how Audry from the first "Vacation" movie grew up (beautiful!) don't bother with this one.
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