Another point of view
11 February 2012
Normally I don't do reviews, but in this case I felt obliged to, as all of the earlier reviews seemed biased. Many people seem to like the artsy-fartsy black/white movie stuff, perhaps even more so in the avant-garde horror genre – I'm definitely not one of them, though. For me, this was nothing more than 76 minutes of "Yeah, that's already been done – in color!" and a quite dull experience. It didn't grab my attention anywhere close to what A Serbian Film or Martyrs did. I'm not talking just graphically here, either – I'm talking about the whole feel of the movie, including the music and the storyline. In all honesty, it wasn't even much of a story to begin with. It's just boring all the way from start to end. I'm aware that most other reviews praise The Bunny Game for "taking it to the next level" and being a 10/10 kind of ground- breaking movie, but I honestly just can't understand why and none of the reviews have even bothered trying to explain their reasoning behind such statements, except maybe the fact that the torture and humiliation in this movie is supposed to be real (which I can't and won't even try to deny) but that does not automatically make it a good film – it just makes it closer to being a snuff film. We're heading there...
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