I'm so disappointed.
8 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
My mom, my sister and I went to see this movie, hoping that it would be good, even though the casting wasn't the best. But alas, it was horrible. I'm not even going to say what part we disliked the most, because that would be all of it. I can't believe they made this movie. The three of us walked out of the movie, when it was over, stunned that this is what they did with that incredible book. One For the Money is one of my favorites of all of them. *sigh* I know that some people didn't like it and some people did, but I wish I could have been one to overlook the cheap filming, the terrible accent from KH and the awful casting, overall. I really like Jason O'Mara, but he's not movie material. Same with DS, who played Ranger. Not quite ready for the big screen. But KH was the worst of all of them. She wasn't Stephanie Plum at any point during the movie. I'm just so disappointed.
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