Review of Inbred

Inbred (2011)
Born and bred
2 February 2012
It is tough to write about this movie. First and foremost, I have to admit, that I think the guy that made this, is exceptionally funny in person. Very modest and down to earth, he is a guy you can hang out with and talk to. Concerning his movie though (this one in particular), I have to say, that I couldn't really enjoy this. Not my cup of tea so to speak. I watched it at Frightfest too (as other reviewers here) and though the reviews have been mostly positive, the reaction of the crowd was split down the middle.

It's always like this with a movie that dares to be different and does not care about political correctness. But that's not my beef with it. I actually liked the main bad guy of the movie. He has charisma and brings quite a lot to his role. Unfortunately the humor the director boils it down to, never quite achieves anything (not for me that is).

Plot twists that are as weak as our "good" characters or their motivation. You are not used to people being clever in these movies, but the level of stupidity shown by some of the characters here defies explanation ... I'm not trying to tell you what to think of it, but I hope you got the mood the movie does live by and can decide for yourself, if that is worth your time
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