A Refreshing New Horror Is Born
31 January 2012
"Jack The Reaper" a new Horror film that I really enjoyed. Now, I don't usually like teen horrors. The acting and story is always bad,and there is nobody to root for. But In this film however the acting was really good and although there are some characters you want to die, there are some characters to root for. The actors all got a good amount of screen time and some do stand out more than others, but it is definitely a good group. Tony Todd is solid as always and Sally Kirkland is in it for a scene and plays a grandmother I would not want to mess with.

Railroad Jack is one cool character and Douglas Tait is a very imposing figure as that character. The design of the character is simple, but little touches especially those black eyes and his eerie smile gives the character that frightening quality you need to make a character stand out amongst all the horror movie monsters. Throw in the fact that he carries a huge pickax and is not afraid to use it only helps his status. There are plenty of violent kills in this film using that pickax to keep a horror fan happy. If there is a character that I hope I get to see again it would have to be Railroad Jack and that is rare because there aren't many memorable characters in indie films and I see a lot.

The pace of the film is good. The beginning of the film introduces us to the characters and the pace picks after the bus crash. There is no lull in the film which is always good. The director/writer Kimberly Seilhamer does a good job keeping us interested. The back drop of the film is interesting. The crash takes place in the desert and most of the action takes place at this empty carnival. Now, the first question I had was what the hell is an empty working carnival doing in the middle of the desert, but at the end of the film you figure it out. Speaking of the end of the film it was very cool and reminded me of Twilight Zone and when you see the film you will know what I am talking about. Overall, the film is definitely worth checking out and Railroad Jack will quickly become a fan favorite. This is a must see if you are a fan of Horror like myself.
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