Wonder Woman (2011 TV Movie)
Murder, Torture, Denial of Rights = Wonder Woman pilot
31 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This pilot was hyped to be the quintessential Wonder Woman for the 21st Century. It was supposed to bring her into a new generation of fans and expose her to a wider audience.

*snort* Good luck with this pilot. I can sum it up with one line that occurs about ten minutes in, in which Diana proclaims "I know you want vengeance, but lets leave that up to me. I'm kind of good at it." This loses out on the entire heart of Wonder Woman. If they were trying to shill it to non-fans, those people can get far better 'corporate drama' from any of the Law & Order or legal shows and better action from things like CSI and The Shield.

Fans are equally likely to tune-out.

Gone is Diana eloquence and grace when speaking. Here the largest word she uses is probably 'supplements' and instead of a graceful discussion of her dislike for one of the action figures that financially supports her company, she waves the doll around, talks over people and snarls about 'perfect tits' like a diva having a temper tantrum.

Gone is her respect for cultures. Only seconds in and she nearly refuses to allow police to take the suspect she's apprehended. She shows blatant disrespect for the laws of the country she now lives in by being fine with denying said suspect his right to a fair trial or legal counsel.

Also absent is her calm heart that often provided rational feedback to Superman's mercy and Batman's obsessiveness in comics. Here she tries desperately to pull of the Angelina Jolie sultry/angry pout during every battle that looks more like it should be in a D-movie about vampires than on the Worlds Greatest superheroine. She uses brutal violence as a first resort and murders a guard by throwing a pipe through him because he fired at her instead of using her gauntlets to simply block the shots like she's done in every single other incarnation in comics, cartoons and other live-actions. It's not only wrong, but incredibly hypocritical as she goes on to lecture a grieving mother and Veronica Cale about the wrongness of killing. I guess it's only wrong when people other than Wonder Woman do it? She ends up feeling like a bad rip on other superheroes, unable to stand on her own talent..which the REAL Wonder Woman has in spades. There are things that are unique to her that no other hero has. It's been enough to see her as one of comics leading ladies for over 70 years, but apparently not good enough for a moment of this pilot's time.

But hey, she and her almost entirely-white billion dollar company with billion-dollar interiors are out to save inner-city black boys who want to go to college from an evil white pharma CEO!
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